Item Coversheet


Subject:Receive Cost Estimate and Approve Safety Improvements at Intersection of Hayes/Harrison/Third Streets
Meeting Date:Thursday, October 6, 2022
From:Marissa Trejo, City Manager
Prepared by:Sean Brewer, Assistant City Manager


There is no staff recommendation.  Councilman Ramirez previously requested a future agenda item to address safety improvements at the intersession of Harrison, Hayes and 3rd Streets and Council directed staff to proceed with developing a plan and cost estimate for Option B as presented.



Councilman Ramirez expressed concern for safety at the intersection of Hayes, Harrison and 3rd Street and wanted to see if there were some safety enhancements that the City could consider including but not limited to stop signs. 


At the last meeting, staff discussed a couple possible solutions for improving safety at the unorthodox intersection of Harrison/3rd and Hayes for the council to consider and for staff to further design and develop a cost estimate. Council directed staff to proceed with developing a plan and cost estimate for "Option B." for their consideration.   


The City Engineer refined Option B based on the discussion from the last meeting. Both islands will have curb paint on the leading curb faces, and the southern splitter island will have a yellow type one object marker sign as well as channelizing lines. The City Engineer has included 3/8 gravel, river cobble, and mesa boulders as separate line items. If the Council chooses to use these hardscape items, then the islands will further stand out and their design will be consistent with the City’s other median islands.


The bid item prices reflect the City's most recent bid results. The mobilization, concrete removal and disposal, HMA, Aggregate Base, and Curb bid item unit prices are inflated due to the small quantity needed. If the project is bid alongside a larger project, it may be possible to see lower unit costs for these bid items and save anywhere from $12,000 to $15,000.


The Engineer's preliminary cost estimate for this project is $106,792.00 which includes a 10% contingency. 


1.  Do not direct staff to proceed with safety improvements;

2.  Modify safety improvements.


The estimated cost for this project is $106,792.00 which include the necessary design engineering needed to complete the plans and advertise for bidding. If the Council chooses to proceed with this project, it would be derived from the Measure C - Flexible Funding Account. This is an unbudgeted expense but the funds are available for this project if the Council so chooses. 
File NameDescription
3rd___Hayes_Traffic_Safety_Improvements_Plan_(Rev.9-21-2022).pdfUpdated Hayes Street Plan 9-21-2022
3001_Preliminary_Cost_Estimate.pdfHayes Street Cost Estimate