Item Coversheet

Staff Report- Chairman and Planning Commission

Subject:Planning Commission Review and Approval of City Planning Application CDA 20-01 and further adopting Resolution No. 021P-006 Recommending to the City Council approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map, General Plan Amendment, Re-zone, Site Plan Review and Certification of an Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Heritage at Coalinga Alzheimer’s and Assisted Care Community Located at the Northwest Corner of Phelps Ave and Gregory Way.
Meeting DateMay 25, 2021
Project Location:Northwest Corner of Phelps Ave and Gregory Way. (APN(s): 070-060-072, 070-060-96S, and 070-060-97S
Applicant:Country Roads Senior Living/TSR Coalinga, LP, PO Box 3164, Monterey, CA 93942
Owner:Country Roads Senior Living/TSR Coalinga, LP, PO Box 3164, Monterey, CA 93942
Prepared By:Sean Brewer, Assistant City Manager


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the following:


  1. Approval of Tentative Subdivision (tract) Map with Conditions.

  2. Approval of a Site Plan Review for a Phased Assisted Living and Alzheimer’s Facility.

  3. Recommend to the City Council a General Plan Amendment from Public Facilities (PF) to Residential Medium Density (RMD) to accommodate a 27 lot Single Family Residential Subdivision with Single Attached Additional Dwelling Units, 2 Assisted Care Facilities and an Alzheimer Care Facility; and 2.13 Acres Residential High Density (RHD) to accommodate a future 57-unit Senior Apartment Project.

  4. Recommend to the City Council adoption of an ordinance to Re-Zone the Property from Public Facilities (PF) to Residential Medium Density (RMD) to accommodate a 27 lot Single Family Residential Subdivision with Single Attached Additional Dwelling Units, 2 Assisted Care Facilities and an Alzheimer Care Facility; and 2.13 Acres Residential High Density (RHD) to accommodate a 57-unit Senior Housing Project.

  5. Recommend to the City Council certification of the Initial Study and Mitigate Negative Declaration and adopt a mitigation and monitoring program.


On September 1, 2020, the City of Coalinga accepted an application from County Roads Senior Living/TSR Coalinga, LP for a Tentative Subdivision Map, General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Site Plan and Environmental Review to develop (2) Assisted Care Facilities, (1) Alzheimer Facility, (27) Independent Living lots and a future 57-unit senior apartment complex with an age restricted senior (55+) designation.  


The proposed project is located on a vacant, 11.15-acre site made up of three parcels (APNs 070-60-97S, 070-060-96S, 070-060-072S). It is located northwest of Phelps Avenue and Gregory Way within the city limits of Coalinga. Surrounding land uses include vacant and agricultural land to the north, Phelps Avenue and vacant land to the south, the Coalinga Regional Medical Center to the east, a vacant parcel with an approved 14-lot subdivision to the west, and an existing residential neighborhood to the northwest.


The current Coalinga General Plan land use designation for the site is Public Facilities (PF) and currently zoned Public Facilities (PF). The proposed project requires approval of a General Plan Amendment and rezone from Public Facilities (PF) to Residential Medium Density (RHD-PD) to accommodate the independent living lots as well as the Alzheimer and assisted living facilities and 2.13 acres to Residential High Density (RHD-PD) to accommodate the future senior apartments. The project will have a Planned Development Overlay as a way to encourage creative design and layout of development, and efficient use of land. Approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map, Conditional Use Permit, Site Plan and Environmental Review is also required for the proposed project.


The project consists of several components and a mixture of land uses. The following are the components of the project:


Land Use



Square Footage



Single Family (Independent Care) Residential


27 home with attached Single ADU’s

1,100 – 1,300 square feet with (1) 450 s/f ADU



Assisted Living Facility


28 Beds

16,812 Square Feet



Assisted Living Facility


12 Beds

7,522 Square Feet



Alzheimer Facility


20 beds

10,279 Square Feet



Senior Apartments


57 Units

TBD (Future Site Plan Review Application)


N/A - Future

*GPA – General Plan Amendment

*RZ – Rezone

*SPR – Site Plan Review

*CUP – Conditional Use Permit

*TSM – Tentative Subdivision Map

*ER – Environmental Review


General Plan Amendment/Zone Change


The proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change proposes a change in land use and zoning designation from PF (Public Facilities) to RMD (Residential Medium Density) and RHD (Residential high Density) for the future Senior Apartments with a Planned Development Overlay. Staff has carefully reviewed the General Plan Amendment and Zoning Change request to determine how it relates to the specific site, and affects its neighborhood and the community. Staff wants to be sure that any development allowed as a result of a general plan amendment and zone change will "fit in" with the surrounding area and support adopted community goals. The Alzheimer Care Facility, Assisted Living Facilities, and the Independent Living Lots are permitted uses under the residential medium density zoning classification with the Alzheimer Care Facility and Assisted Living Facilities requiring the issuance of a conditional use permit due to the number of beds exceeding six. The senior apartments are consistent with the residential high density zoning classification.


Relationship to Community Planning Goals Regarding Orderly Growth


It is the Goal of the City of Coalinga to fully develop vacant or under-used land within existing community boundaries before expanding them for new development. The proposed General Plan Amendment is within the existing City Limit Boundaries and avoids “leap frog” development.


Relationship to Surrounding Land Uses


The proposed change would result in similar residential densities and uses which enhances compatibility with the uses on neighboring properties.


Surrounding Land Use Setting



Existing Single-Family Development & Agricultural Land


Existing Single-Family Development


Coalinga Regional Medical Center


Existing Single-Family Development


Land Capability and Service Availability


Land in which the General Plan Amendment is proposed is vacant land capable of orderly residential development. City services such as water, sewer, natural gas, and solid waste collection are readily available by the extension of such services.


Relationship to Other General Plan Elements


The proposed General Plan Amendment is consistent with the General Plan Elements and the goals, policies and implementation measures. The particular project concept was addressed and included in the General Plan (table 2-4) of the land use element with similar uses and densities.


Land Use Goal No. 2


Provide creative, high-quality choices in housing types and densities in a variety of neighborhoods where residents can fulfill their varied individual housing needs and dreams of home ownership. Neighborhoods are well-insulated from high volume roadways, noise, and nonresidential land uses and harmonize and complement one another through good urban design, architectural standards, landscaping and connectivity with surrounding neighborhoods, parks and pristine areas.  New neighborhoods foster a sense of community.


Land use Policy No. 2-2


The City shall encourage residential development projects to utilize Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) and other design principals that foster a sense of neighborhood among residents and a sense of community linkages.


Planned Development Overlay


The purpose of the planned development zoning district (PD zoning overlay district) is to provide the City with a process which authorizes more flexibility in the design of development projects with specially designated areas of the City than would be possible through the strict application of the zoning regulations contained in this title to new development in those areas.


The Planned Development District encourages new developments to be consistent with smart growth objectives and implement integrated planning for land use, infrastructure, and the environment. These smart growth objectives are in line with the General Plan goals and policies, and the twelve (12) Smart Growth Principles of the San Joaquin Valley Blueprint.


The objectives of Planned Developments (PDs) are to:


  1. Enhance and preserve the City of Coalinga's rural and small-town character, as described in the General Plan.
  2. Protect the character of existing neighborhoods in proximity to Planned Developments.
  3. Plan new development in a way that is compatible and connected with the City's existing development patterns.
  4. Create clear community standards to avoid the proliferation of multiple areas with special zoning allowances.
  5. Plan and cluster development in a way that avoids adverse impacts on natural resources and agricultural land, and conserve energy.
  6. Provide opportunities for a diversity of housing types and promote affordable housing in appropriate locations.
  7. Create compact, village-scale mixed-use development as designated within the Master Plan Overlay areas in the General Plan land use map; and
  8. Encourage creative design and layout of development, and efficient use of land.


Since this project is proposed to be a private development with private roads and a homeowner’s association (HOA), staff felt that it be best appropriate to allow for a PD overlay to allow for deviation in the City standards while preserving the ability to access the facility in need of emergency response.


This development meets the planned development standards set forth in the planning and zoning code as it relates to traditional development circulation, open space, pedestrian connections, providing a variety of home sizes, parking, building form, and sustainability. Some of the deviations that have occurred from traditional development standards are the lot dimensions and street standards.


Tentative Subdivision Map


According to Section 9-7.201 of the City of Coalinga Municipal Code, a tentative map shall be required for all divisions of land where the land would be divided into five (5) or more parcels. The tentative map review procedure is designed to ensure that such improvements as drainage, street alignment, grade and width, and sanitary facilities conform to City regulations and policies and are arranged in the best possible manner to serve the public.


The proposed tentative map has the following components:


Lot Number(s)

Lot Size

Land Use


Future Use


6,275 s/f -

13,581 s/f



Single Family independent Living + Single Attached ADU


92,579 s/f



Senior Apartments


21,402 s/f



Assisted Care Facility


38,313 s/f



Assisted Care Facility


37,130 s/f



Alzheimer Facility


19,662 s/f



Shared Parking Lot


Tentative Map Requirements


According to Section 9-7.201 of the City of Coalinga Municipal Code, a tentative map shall be required for all divisions of land where the land would be divided into five (5) or more parcels. The tentative map review procedure is designed to ensure that such improvements as drainage, street alignment, grade and width, and sanitary facilities conform to City regulations and policies and are arranged in the best possible manner to serve the public.


The City Engineer has reviewed the proposed Tentative Subdivision Map for compliance with Section 9-7.301 of the City of Coalinga Municipal Code and has included conditions of approval (attached) for the proposed project to ensure that all components of the subdivision map have been met.


Street dedication and construction of public improvements


Public improvements shall be provided in compliance with the following standards to any property or lot where public improvements were never constructed or installed to City standards, or where such public improvements for whatever cause have deteriorated to a condition that they no longer adequately serve their intended purpose. This includes but not limited to right-of-way, curb, gutter and sidewalk, street paveout, utilities, street trees, fire hydrants, streetlights, drainage facilities, etc.


Independent Living (Single Family Lots) Staff Analysis (Lots 1-27)


As described in more detail below, City staff has determined the proposed project is in substantial conformance with the General Plan, City of Coalinga Municipal Code, and any applicable plans adopted by the City.


Residential Single Family Development Regulations (RMD)


The following discussion describes the applicable development standards included the in the City of Coalinga Municipal Code for single family development.


Zoning Standards Conformance Table


Major Standards


Lot Size

4,500 sq. ft. min

Lot Coverage

50% max

Building Height

Two Stories/40’ max

Yards (setbacks)



15’ min


5’ min


15’ min

Street Side



Two covered vehicle spaces per unit





Lighting will be reviewed and approved by the Coalinga Police Department to ensure that there will be adequate lighting for public safety while also ensuring no spill over lighting. Off-site lighting shall be installed per City standards, as part of the off-site improvements along the development frontage (curb, gutter, sidewalk and lighting). In addition, according to Section 9-2.203(c)(4)(d)(6) of the Coalinga Municipal Code, all onsite and street lighting fixtures shall be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of Section 9-4.206, Lighting and Illumination. Private on-site decorative lighting will be required and reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and Police Department for consistent with illumination standards and spacing.




Landscaping standards such as on-site trees and compliance with the model landscape ordinance have been incorporated as a condition of approval to ensure continuity withing the development.  All single family lots will be required to landscape the front yards and provide perimeter wood fencing.




Access to the proposed lots will be provided via private entrance at Phelps Ave identified as Street “E” on the map. The main entrance width is 52’ with 24’ interior private streets (A-D). The 24’ interior streets although smaller than a typical 50’ section in several neighborhoods, parking will not be permitted on both sides of the interior streets. Since this is a senior community and each residence has a 3-car garage and driveways, it is not expected to that there will be a problem with parking and/or circulation on the streets.    


Street Naming


The City Council, at a future date, prior to the approval of the final map, will determine by resolution the street names associated with this development. (CMC Section 4-4.1402)




All utilities are readily available for connection within the adjacent right-of-way on Phelps Ave. All utility connections shall be shown on the final improvement plans and approved by the City Engineer and confirmed by the Public Works Department. On-site storage of storm runoff is not required; therefore, the development will discharge storm water runoff into the exiting surface system however as a condition the applicant shall use the bioswales and landscaping as a way to reduce the amount of storm runoff that enters the storm drain system.


Coalinga City-Wide Design Guidelines


The guidelines are discretionary tools to be used with the development standards in the City’s Zoning Ordinance to guide a range of development types. The discretionary review under the design guidelines is conducted by members of City staff and, at times, the Planning Commission. The objective of the City-Wide Design Guidelines is to preserve the small-town character of Coalinga in future single-family residential, multi-family residential, commercial, and mixed-use development.


The Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines aim to assist homeowners, designers, and builders achieve better design in the development of single-family homes. The Design Guidelines include best practices that have worked successfully in other communities to maintain strong property values, increase neighborhood desirability and character, improve privacy and aesthetics, and promote sustainable design and development.


The Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines encompass concepts ranging from overall context to specific building details. The guidelines are organized by “Neighborhood Context/Fit,” “Building Design,” and “Landscaping and Fencing,” which work to address the desired quality of design expected throughout the City. These guidelines will be analyzed when site plans for the 27 homes are submitted to the Community Development Department.


Alzheimer and Assisted Living Facilities - Conditional Use Permit & Site Plan Review


The proposed Alzheimer’s and Assisted living facilities are classified as “residential care facilities” and are permitted uses in the RMD zoning district subject to conditional use permit approval when supervising (7) or more persons.


According to Section 9-6.402 of the City of Coalinga Municipal Code requires that all applicable new structures permanent or temporary erected in the City require a site plan review and approval by the Planning Commission for consistency with all applicable zoning regulations. The purpose of the site plan review is to enable the Community Development Director or the Planning Commission to make findings that a proposed development is in conformity with the intent and provisions of the Coalinga Municipal Code, and to guide the Building Official in the issuance of permits. The proposed project does not fall under the exempt projects and projects qualifying for Administrative Site Plan Review; therefore, the proposed project requires site plan approval from the Coalinga Planning Commission.


Access: The primary access point for the development will be located on Phelps Ave and at Gregory Way. According to the Fire Department and City Engineer there is adequate space on-site for public safety maneuvering and access. 


Utilities: All utilities are readily available for connection on Phelps Ave. All utility connections shall be shown on the final site plan and approved by the Planning Department and confirmed by the Public Works Department. Improvement plans will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.


Storm Runoff: On-site storm water drainage runoff shall run to the existing storm drain facilities in Phelps Ave. Direct drainage of storm water runoff over public sidewalks not permitted. Storm water runoff shall be directed under sidewalks.


Gas: Public Natural Gas Facilities exist in Phelps Ave are available to serve this development. The applicant shall extend natural gas service to the project site.


Water: Public Water Facilities exist in Phelps Ave and are available to serve this development. The applicant shall extend a water service to the project site. The Public Works Director has recommended that water meters be located on or near the property line to ensure ease of meter reading.


Sewer: Public Sewer Facilities exist in Phelps Ave and are available to serve this development. The applicant shall extend a sewer lateral to the project site. Sewer clean outs will be placed at the property line.


Meters: There shall be meters for both water and natural gas which shall be identified on the final site plan when submitted to the Planning Department for final approval. There will be separate landscape and domestic meters to differentiate between landscaped water and domestic water per City policy.


Parking: In accordance with section 9-4.302 Table 4.4 of the zoning code, the parking requirement for the proposed development is 2 spaces for each facility plus 1 space per four adult residents. The proposed development has met the requirement by providing 45 vehicle stalls where 21 is required.

Shade trees. A minimum of one shade tree for every ten (10) parking spaces shall be provided, which shall achieve fifty (50) percent canopy coverage of paved area at maturity. The shade trees shall be located so as to provide visual relief to long rows of parked vehicles, and to provide shade to pedestrian connections. Canopy-type trees should be used to provide a relatively consistent tree cover that will shade vehicles and pavement. Shade trees shall also be provided at appropriate intervals between perimeter parking spaces. The shade tree species shall be selected from a master tree list maintained by the City.


Refuse Containers: The proposed development does not show the location of the refuse enclosures and their size, shape and location must be consistent with that of the City requirements. The applicant will be required to provide a location, as approved by the City, for the required trash enclosure. The addition of a trash enclosure is not expected to reduce the parking space count below the minimum standards.  


Landscaping: The proposed landscaping exceeds the city’s minimum requirement for landscaped areas as it relates to site frontage, parking, highway setbacks and equipment screening. A separate landscape plan will be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to building permit issuance.


Fencing: All interior fencing shall be of material allowed under the planning and zoning code. There are parking facilities located within fifty (50) feet of and visible from a right-of-way (Phelps Ave) so the area must be screened by a wall or berm at least two and one-half (2.5) feet high. This shall be shown on the final site plan.


The site plan does provide for landscaped setbacks since there are proposed parking facilities adjacent to the onsite building. A ten (10) foot set back comprised of five (5) feet of landscaping and a paved pedestrian walkway has been provided which meets the development regulations.


Lighting: A photometric plan shall be provided and reviewed and approved by the Police Chief prior to certificate of occupancy is issued. All lighting shall use decorative poles and fixtures with LED technology and avoid HPS lighting in an effort to reduce energy consumption.


Offsite Improvements: All offsite improvements have been incorporated in the tentative subdivision map analysis and conditions of approval.


Senior Apartments (Future Site Plan Application)


Lot 28 has been reserved for a future senior apartment complex that will be reviewed and approved through a subsequent site plan review. The planning approvals for this project will ensure its development and continuity with the rest of the development.


Environmental Clearance


The City of Coalinga prepared an initial study and mitigated negative declaration in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. A 30-day public comment period for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration began on February 23, 2021 and ended on March 25, 2021. Comments were received and have been incorporated within the final IS/MND and Resolution. All mitigation measures have been included in the conditions of approval and the official IS/MND will be incorporated as part of the project approvals.


None Determined at this time. 


Staff is recommending approval of the following project because it meets and/or exceeds the requirements of the City of Coalinga Municipal Code in the following respects.


Tentative Subdivision Map Findings


According to Section 9-7.204 of the City of Coalinga Municipal Code, the Planning Commission shall consider the following conditions for a tentative map. Staff feels that with the proposed conditions included, the following findings have been met.


(a)  The Planning Commission shall not approve an application for a subdivision, unless it finds that the proposed subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the Coalinga General Plan and any other applicable plans. A proposed subdivision shall be consistent with the General Plan or applicable plans only if the proposed subdivision or land use is compatible with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in such plans.

(b)  The Planning Commission shall deny an application for a subdivision if it makes any of the following findings:

(1)  That the proposed map is not consistent with the Coalinga General Plan, or with other applicable plans;

(2)  That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with the Coalinga General Plan or with other applicable plans;

(3)  That the site is not physically suitable for the proposed type of development;

(4)  That the site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development;

(5)  That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat;

(6)  That the design of the subdivision or type of improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems;

(7)  That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The Planning Commission may approve a tentative map if it finds that alternative easements, for access or for use, will be provided, and that these will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This provision shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by a court of competent jurisdiction;

(8)  That the map fails to meet or perform one or more requirements or conditions imposed by the “Subdivision Map Act” or by this title. Any such requirement or condition shall be specified.

(c)   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9-7.204(b)(5) of this article, a tentative map may be approved if an environmental impact report was prepared with respect to the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081(c) of the Public Resources Code that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report.


General Plan Amendment Findings


The following standard findings must be made for each General Plan amendment. Specific findings may also be required by the decision-making body on a case-by-case basis.


  1. The potential effects of the proposed General Plan amendment have been evaluated and have been determined not to be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare of the City.
  2. The proposed General Plan amendment is internally consistent and compatible with the goals, policies, and actions of the General Plan.
  3. If applicable, the site is physically suitable (including, but not limited to access, provision of utilities, compatibility with adjoining land uses, and absence of physical constraints) for the requested zoning designations and anticipated land uses/developments.
  4. The proposed General Plan amendment has been processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the California Government Code and the California Environmental Quality Act.


Rezone Findings


The following standard findings must be made for each Zoning Ordinance amendment. Specific findings may also be required by the decision-making body on a case-by-case basis.


  1. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City.
  2. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment is consistent and compatible with the goals, policies, and actions of the General Plan, and the other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
  3. If applicable, the site is physically suitable (including, but not limited to access, provision of utilities, compatibility with adjoining land uses, and absence of physical constraints) for the requested zoning designations and anticipated land uses/developments.
  4. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment has been processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the California Government Code and the California Environmental Quality Act.


Site Plan Findings


The following standard findings must be made for each Site Plan review. Specific findings may also be required by the decision-making body on a case-by-case basis.


  1. The proposed construction/alterations are in substantial conformance with the General Plan, zoning ordinance, and any applicable plans adopted by the city.
  2. The proposed construction/alterations conform to the requirements of the applicable Zoning Districts.
  3. The proposed construction/alteration conforms to all applicable design standards and guidelines, as adopted by the City Council.
  4. The construction/alteration will not have significant adverse effects on the public health, safety and welfare.
Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
Zoning and GPA Map
Landscape Plan
Phase Plan
Alzheimer Facility Elevations
Assisted Living Phase 1 Elevation
Assisted Living Phase 3 Elevation
Alzheimer-AL Site Plan
CDA 20-01 Application (Assisted Living Facility)
CDA 20-01 Subdivision Map Application
CDA 20-01 Tentative Tract Map (Official)
Housing Elevations and Floor Plans
Alzheimer-AL Color Renderings
Draft Re-Zone Ordinance 847
Resolution 021P-006 with Conditions