Item Coversheet


Subject:Authorization to Establish an Amended Expenditure Plan for Funding for the City of Coalinga's Active Transportation Program Cycle 3 Sidewalk Gaps and Safety Enhancement Project
Meeting Date:December 5, 2019
From:Marissa Trejo, City Manager
Prepared by:Sean Brewer, Assistant City Manager


City Council Authorization to establish an amended expenditure plan for funding the City of Coalinga's ATP Cycle 3 Sidewalk Gap Closure and Pedestrian Improvements Project.  


In June of 2018, the City was awarded ATP Cycle 3 Safe Routes to School grant funds in the amount of $1,284,000 for a sidewalk gap improvement project through the State of California’s Active Transportation Grant Program. During the course of the design phase construction costs have continued to increase and staff proceeded with a scope change to reduce the scope of the project to ensure completion of work within the awarded amount.


The Scope change included reducing the scope of the project and several safety enhancements such as bulb outs, crosswalks and sidewalk repairs near the school as recommended in the City’s Adopted Active Transportation Plan. The Project will close several sidewalk gaps of varying lengths and will add approximately 98 ADA-compliant curb ramps, new crosswalks, and bulb outs in an area containing the City's Coalinga's multi-school campus.  Gaps currently force students onto roadways and narrow shoulders and discourage walking and biking to school. Non-compliant curbs present mobility barriers. 


Staff began discussions with the State regarding the scope change it was conveyed to the City that the California Transportation Commission (CTC) would not approve the scope change and that the City would need to perform the entire project as programmed. The project including the additional scope near the school increased the total estimated project costs to $2,482,370.00. The additional scope did not attribute to all the increased costs. The City was awarded 1,283,640.00 from ATP ($174,640 local match) leaving approximately $1,198,730 in additional local funds needed to fully fund the project.  


In order to fund the difference, staff is recommending deprograming $550,000 for segments 13 and 14 of the multi-use trail from CMAQ lifeline and program the $550,000 to the ATP project. In order to fund segments 13 and 14 in the near future staff has included these segments in the 2019 CMAQ grant application in addition to COG’s commitment to locate funding for the project.   In addition to the CMAQ lifeline dollars, the City will need to budget $412,000 in TDA streets funds, and $412,000 in Measure C Flexible Funding to cover the difference and local match.   




The deadline to request allocation for construction for this project is Feb 28, 2021 which would mean the City would have to have everything ready for the January 2021 CA Transportation Commission meeting.


Next Steps


The City will have to request COG amend the project into the FTIP to add the updated scope and new amount including $550k in CMAQ funds. Once amended, the City will need to complete NEPA environmental since Federal Funds are being introduced to the scope.  This was originally a state only funded project and only CEQA was necessary but since we are adding federal CMAQ funds NEPA must be complete. The City will need to request a scope change for bulb outs showing increase of benefits to original project. This will need to be approved by CTC along with the allocation.


Do not approve the following and direct staff accordingly:

  • Divert $550,000 in CMAQ Lifeline Funds to the ATP Project
  • Allocation of $412,000 in Measure C Flexible Funding
  • Allocation of $412,000 in TDA Streets Funds
  • Submission of Scope Change to the CTC


The City Council's action would have the following fiscal impact:
    • Divert $550,000 in CMAQ Lifeline Funds to the ATP Project
    • Allocation of $412,000 in Measure C Flexible Funding
    • Allocation of $412,000 in TDA Streets Funds
File NameDescription
2759_ATP_3_Orig_Scope_Plus_Bulb_Outs_Exhibit_(1).pdfATP Cycle 3 Scope of Work Exhibit